Netflix Supports The Growth of National Film Individuals In Indonesia

Partnering with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Netflix Supports the Growth of National Film Individuals

In Indonesia, Ministry of Education and Culture and Netflix USA established cooperation in the field of film, especially writing a script worth US $ 1 million or equivalent to Rp14 billion. Netflix announced that it would hold a training program to support the development of human resources in the field of film. This initiative is also supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Professional Development Program

Through this partnership, Netflix will provide training that focuses on developing creative abilities, including script writing and the post-production process. Not only that, there is also training in online security, including governance of the creative industries.

“Through this program, we will partner with local creators and policy makers to introduce Indonesia to the world through stories,” said Managing Director of Netflix Asia Pacific, Kuek Yu-Chuang.

This initiative was welcomed by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim. According to Nadiem, this initiative can develop film talent in Indonesia.

“The partnership we launched is only the first stage of an innovative cultural program, which focuses on showing the greatness of industrial talent. Not only film, but various cultures in Indonesia to the world stage,” he said.

In addition, given the film has a unique format that can be consumed digitally in a variety of distribution channels, Indonesian talent and culture can also be known internationally.

To note, in this initiative, Netflix is ​​committed to investing USD 1 million (Rp. 14 billion). That amount will be used to fund all activities in this initiative.

For now, details about this collaboration will still be discussed further between Netflix and the Ministry of Education and Culture. The program will also invite Indonesian filmmakers to the United States to meet with Netflix’s creative team, including other community members.