Learning and Fun What’s the Connection

To ensure a positive learning atmosphere – for yourself and your children.

It’s actually quite logical: learning is much easier if you have fun – and the material sticks better. But that’s only part of the truth. Because brain research shows: depending on whether we perceive learning as joy or torture, what we have learned is stored in very different places in the brain. And that has a significant impact on how well we can apply theoretical knowledge in everyday life. We cannot continue to work creatively with what we have learned under stress.

Wrong storage location for creative impulses
This has the following cause: depending on how we feel, the brain directs the learned material to different switching points. If the mood is positive, the information ends up in the hippocampus. This always happens when we feel joy, curiosity, or something similar while learning.

If learning is associated with stress, obsession, frustration, anger, anger, and other negative feelings for us, it is very likely that the information will find its way into the almond kernel.

Avoid demotivating
It is always astonishing: At the beginning all children enjoy school. But over time, many of them lose their way – and school becomes a chore. One thing is certain, however: the original motivation is lost – there have been demotivation. You have to praise your children for their success and give comfort when things don’t go so well. Penalties and the like are counterproductive if the grades are bad.

Leading by example
In large parts of society, learning is still not viewed very highly. Anyone who expands their knowledge of their own accord quickly becomes a nerd. It helps here if the parents set an example for learning: Show your children that you too have to constantly learn new things in your job.

And it is even better if you voluntarily attend courses yourself, e.g. learn a language at the adult education center. If parents do homework or the like of their own accord, this undoubtedly serves as a role model for the children.

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Creating alternative learning situations

Our brain is programmed in such a way that it cannot really help but learn. The school is therefore important but by no means the only place of learning. Travel also educates – and here it makes a big difference whether you are just lying on the beach or whether you explore the places and landscapes in the surrounding area. Go through life with your children in a curious and open manner.

Promote interests
All children, including those who bring home bad grades, have interests of some kind. And regardless of whether it is about cars, horses, or the scores of all soccer World Cup matches, the following applies: Promote these interests, although the knowledge you acquire – from engine sizes to horse breeds to player names – may seem worthless.

But what matters less is what is stored in the memory, but rather that a learning situation exists at all. The result: the brain practically trains itself to allow learning to take place in a positive mood. This process is valuable – regardless of the content that is snapped up.